Australian employer sponsored visa

Skilled applicatint who have employers in Australia approved as business sponsorship can apply for temporary or permanent working (skilled) Australian visas. You need to consult with your employer what visa sucbalss is offered for nomination along with your employment contract. Temporary skilled working visas can be granted for 2 or 4 years, depending on your occupation, length of employment contract and/or visa stream.
Some applicants may be eligible for permanent sponsored visas after they start work in Australia.
Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)
The ENS is open to businesses that are actively and lawfully operating anywhere in Australia. The ENS consists of a single visa which has three streams:
• Temporary Residence Transition
• Direct Entry and
• Agreement stream
Broadly, the Temporary Residence Transition stream is for temporary working (skilled) visa holders who have worked for their employer for at least the last two years and the employer wants to offer them a permanent position in that same occupation.
The Direct Entry stream is for applicants who are untested in the Australian labour market and have not held a temporary working (skilled) visa for at least the last two years or are applying directly from outside Australia.
The Agreement stream is for applicants who are being sponsored by an employer through a highly scrutinised and negotiated labour agreement or regional migration agreement.
Participation in the RSMS is restricted to businesses that are actively and lawfully operating in regional Australia. The RSMS helps businesses in regional, remote or low population growth areas, outside the major metropolitan centres of Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong and Melbourne, to recruit the skilled workers to fill positions that are unable to be filled from the local labour market.
The RSMS consists of a single visa which has three streams - namely:
• Temporary Residence Transition
• Direct Entry and
• Agreement stream
Broadly, the Temporary Residence Transition stream is for temporary working (skilled) visa holders who have worked for their employer for at least the last two years and the employer wants to offer them a permanent position in that same occupation.
The Direct Entry stream is for applicants who are untested in the Australian labour market and have not held a temporary working (skilled) visa for at least the last two years or are applying directly from outside Australia.
The Agreement stream is for applicants who are being sponsored by an employer through a highly scrutinised and negotiated labour agreement or regional migration agreement.